Our sister site Windows on the Wild offers the most popular tours which focuses on Greater Yellowstone's predators, bears and wolves.
You travel to the best sites for viewing bears and reintroduced wolves including Lamar Valley, known as America’s Serengeti. In addition, the trip may include stops at Old Faithful, the colourful Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone - crowned by a waterfall more than twice as high as Niagara Falls - and the terraces of Mammoth Hot Springs.
You will journey north through dramatic Grand Teton National Park and into Yellowstone National Park searching for elk, bison, deer and pronghorn antelope, stopping along the way for breakfast at Signal Mountain on picturesque Jackson Lake.
The trip includes staying in Jackson Hole on the floor of the valley between the Teton Mountain Range and the Snake River. This program is always a very popular and sold out quickly last year; we recommend making reservations as soon as possible to avoid disappointment